IHOP-Konferenz mit Mike Bickle: Fürbitte, Anbetung & Prophetie (4.-6.9.08)

Quelle: God.tv: God on demand | Spenden an GOD.TV


Sämltiche Skripte dieser Konferenz kann man kostenlos runterladen unter Conference Notes:
- The Message of Justice - Stuart Greaves Sep–06–08 (75KB)
- The Prophetic Significance of Israel - Jono Hall Sep–06–08 (72KB)
- How to Prophesy - Wes Hall Sep–06–08 (68KB)
- Why We Must Understand the 7 Churches of Revelation - Mike Bickle Sep–05–08 (122KB)
- Intercession Worship and the Prophetic Declaring the Knowledge of God and the Hour of History - Shawn Blanc Sep–05–08 (62KB)
- Intercession Worship and the Prophetic Understanding the Worship Movement at the End of the Age - Stephen Venable Sep–05–08 (104KB)
- Intercession Worship and the Prophetic The Book of Revelation The Eschatological Book of Acts - Mike Bickle Sep–04–08 (118KB)

Mike Bickle schreibt über die Konferenz
"Intercession, Worship and the Prophetic - September 4–6, 2008":

Men and women of God are longing for a new expression of Christianity—one that can only be found amidst night and day worship and prayer. The disciples were in prayer and in one accord when the Holy Spirit sent the first great revival to the Christian church. In the same way, the Lord is raising up those who will cry out for the release of His Holy Spirit on all flesh in this generation.

The Lord is calling forth singers, musicians, worship leaders and intercessors to stand on the front line as forerunners, blazing a trail for the next great revival in our nation and in the nations of the earth. At this conference you will receive practical training and impartation for your personal prayer life. You will discover how to pray effectively and with great joy. Pastors and leaders will learn how to build their church’s prayer and worship ministry and how to strengthen their local house of prayer. Worship leaders will be equipped to build a team of excellent singers and musicians who flow in the prophetic Spirit.

In this hour of history, it is our glorious invitation from God to be people of worship and prayer who function with a prophetic anointing.

Mike Bickle is the director of the International House of Prayer (IHOP–KC) in Kansas City. IHOP–KC is a 24-hour-a-day ministry of “worship with intercession” that has continued non-stop since Sept. 19, 1999 being led by 25 different worship teams. About 1500 people (staff, students and interns including 500 musicians) serve full-time investing 50 hours/week in the Prayer Room, classroom and ministry outreaches. Mike is the founder of the Forerunner School of Ministry, a full-time Bible school and the Forerunner Music Academy a full-time music school. He is the author of Passion for Jesus, Growing in the Prophetic, The Pleasures of Loving God and After God’s Own Heart. His teaching emphasizes growing in passion for Jesus through intimacy with God.

Quelle: IHOP: Intercession, Worship and the Prophetic